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Topic Summary
Posted by: Minga
Posted on: Sep 12th, 2007, 2:46pm
Hi, Newbie here,
I've had this program for about 3 years but haven't used it much. about a year ago I tried to set up a website and have not been able to publish it.
The links don't work, period! no matter what I tried. The strange thing about this is that I have no page numbers except "0" No matter what I try all pages are "0"
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong but can't figure it out. Someone save me
Posted by: Support Staff
Posted on: Sep 12th, 2007, 5:08pm
You are certainly doing something wrong. As you can see at within all the sites listed (some sites created with easywebeditor, you are welcome to post yours), the links work.
In order to see the web site pages in your file there are several ways. The most simple is to hold the CTRL key, then press the + key on the keyboard (not numeric keypad, normal keyboard). Or the - key. + is up - is down
Also, it is mandatory you read Chapter 1 of the PDF manual, that teach you how to create pages and how to link pages. Do exactly like in the example and your website / links will work.
You may test the links with a double click (in edit mode), or with a click while in preview mode (Hypertext >Read only).
Posted by: Minga
Posted on: Sep 12th, 2007, 5:17pm
Thanks for your response.
I read the manual and just started the whole thing over and am glad to tell you that the links work because I have learned how to use them.
I still need to make my site more professional looking but this will happen with time. The next step is to set up my email, once I get the server address.